
About the In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter

The In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter is a cutting-edge tool designed for a variety of industries that rely on accurate lighting measurements. Developed by Lighting Recipe Studio, this portable light meter offers an easy-to-use solution for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

With its compact size and advanced features, the In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter is the perfect tool for lighting designers, architects, photographers, videographers, lighting manufacturers, and businesses looking to optimize their lighting systems. Whether you’re designing a new space, testing existing lighting installations, or researching the effects of light on human health, the In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter delivers the precision and reliability you need.

At the heart of the In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter is a powerful sensor that measures five key indexes of light: Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), Correlated Color Temperature (CCT), Illuminance, Visual Contrast, and Uniformity. With its high transmission speed and accuracy, this handheld CCT meter can collect the key lighting indexes in seconds, making it an essential tool for a wide range of applications.

The In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter is also incredibly easy to use. Simply switch on the button on the back of the device, connect it to your smartphone using the In-Licht Pro app, and start collecting accurate data in no time. The app features easy-to-understand instructions for measuring light values, making it accessible to beginners and experts alike.

At Lighting Recipe Studio, we’re committed to delivering innovative lighting solutions that enhance the way we live and work. With the In-Licht Pro Portable Light Meter, we’re helping professionals and enthusiasts alike achieve their lighting goals with precision and ease.


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