
Improve Workplace Productivity and Employee Health with Our Portable Light Meter

Proper lighting in the workplace is essential to maintaining productivity, improving employee health, and promoting a positive work environment. It is important for businesses to provide their employees with an adequate amount of light to complete their tasks safely and efficiently. Inadequate lighting can lead to accidents, decreased productivity, and even health problems.

Introducing the World’s First Portable EML Meter

Our portable light meter, the In. Licht Pro, is the world’s first and only portable device that measures Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML). Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML) is a new and important metric for measuring the biological effects of light on humans. EML takes into account the sensitivity of the human eye to different colors of light, as well as the sensitivity of the melanopsin photoreceptors in the eye that regulate circadian rhythms.

In other words, EML measures the intensity and spectral composition of light that affects the body’s internal clock and can impact sleep, mood, and overall health. For businesses, this means that optimizing the lighting in the workplace to achieve the right EML levels can lead to improved employee health, wellbeing, and productivity.

Our portable light meter also measures other important details, such as Footcandles (fc), LUX (Lx), and Correlated Color Temperature (CCT). This device is specifically designed for businesses to accurately measure the light levels in their workplace.

Benefits of Using Our Portable Light Meter in the Workplace

Adjusting the lighting in your business is one of the least expensive ways to improve revenue and productivity. Using our portable light meter, you can:

  1. Increased Productivity: Proper lighting can increase productivity by up to 20%. Our portable light meter ensures that your employees have the optimal level of light to perform their tasks safely and efficiently. With improved lighting, employees will experience fewer mistakes, decreased fatigue, and an increase in overall productivity.
  2. Improved Employee Health: The right amount of light can greatly improve the health of your employees. Adequate lighting can reduce the risk of accidents, prevent eyestrain, and even improve sleep quality. Additionally, with our EML meter, you can ensure that the light levels in your workplace are within the recommended range for the health and safety of night-shift workers.
  3. Cost Savings: By using our portable light meter, you can identify areas in your workplace where lighting is inadequate and make necessary improvements. This can result in significant cost savings by reducing energy consumption and avoiding costly accidents.

These are only some of the many benefits of measuring the lighting at your workplace. Our portable light meter, the In Licht Pro, is capable of providing you with precision measurements that you can use to make sure your workplace has adequate light quality.

How Our Portable Light Meter Works

Our portable light meter measures the light intensity in your workplace using advanced sensors and software. It records the levels of EML, fc, Lx, and CCT, providing you with accurate measurements of the light in your workplace. The device is easy to use and comes with a user-friendly interface that allows you to view and analyze the data collected.

Start Today – Order Your Portable Light Meter

In conclusion, our portable light meter is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve workplace productivity and employee health. With its ability to measure EML, fc, Lx, and CCT, businesses can ensure that their employees have the optimal level of light to perform their tasks safely and efficiently. By improving workplace lighting, businesses can reduce the risk of accidents, improve employee health, and save on energy costs.



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