
Portable Light Meter for Photographers and Videographers –

As a photographer, you know that light is one of the most crucial elements in photography. The right amount of light can make or break a shot, and a portable light meter can help ensure that your photographs have the perfect exposure every time with a tool that fits in your pocket that you can take with you anywhere you need to go.

About Our Portable Light Meter – the In. Licht Pro

Our portable light meter, know as the In. Licht Pro, is designed to measure and record a range of essential lighting measurements, including

  • Equivalent Melonotic Lux (EML)
  • Footcandles (fc)
  • LUX (Lx)
  • Correlated Color Temperature (CCT).

Footcandles (fc) and LUX (Lx) are both units of measurement that describe the amount of light falling on a surface. These measurements are particularly useful for photographers who are shooting in controlled lighting environments, such as in a studio. By measuring the light falling on a subject, you can adjust your lighting setup to achieve the desired effect and ensure that your subject is perfectly lit.

Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) is a measurement of the color temperature of the light source you’re using. This is especially useful when shooting in mixed lighting conditions, as it helps you adjust your camera’s white balance settings to ensure that your images have accurate color representation.

By using our portable light meter to measure these critical lighting metrics, you can achieve consistent and accurate results every time you shoot. Whether you’re shooting in a studio, on location, or in challenging lighting conditions, our light meter can help you achieve the perfect exposure and color balance for your photographs.

Order Yours Today

The In. Licht Pro is the first and best portable light meter for photographers. It provides lighting measurements with pinpoint accuracy at a size that fits in your pocket. Order yours today.



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